•Our Personal Trainers•



Jason was first introduced to weight training at the age of 14. Without any proper education on strength training & conditioning, he managed to achieve new levels of muscle development. This would come at the expense of his joint health, as he proceeded to exercise improper technique and neglect muscle groups that were vital to his safety. Not only that, but he had absolutely no clue as to what he should eat or how to balance his caloric intake. By the time he reached the age of 23, his body was dealing with several ailments which compromised his training. Jason had tendinitis in both shoulders, low back pain and was diagnosed with prehypertension. After coming to terms with the fact that he needed to make shifts in order to change these issues, Jason began studying about nutrition and food addiction. Though his training regime became very sporadic at the time, Jason was able to focus much of my energy towards his eating habits. After making the necessary adjustments, the very course of his life and career changed forever.

With his new found confidence after achieving weight loss goals, he wanted to learn more about strength & conditioning. In 2007, he began his studies with the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) to become a certified fitness professional and nutrition/corrective exercise specialist. Applying the best science to his fitness routine, he saw rapid results without injury and wanted to change the lives of many others as well!



Carmela fell in love with movement and athletics at a very young age and hasn't looked back since. She studied Exercise Science at Willamette University, co-owned a gym in Berkeley for five years, and now works one-on-one with clients that want to move better, not feel their age, and learn how to take care of their bodies from a more holistic perspective. 

In addition to her certifications from the National Academy of Sport Medicine (NASM) and TRX, Carmela has completed numerous continuing education courses with Z-Health Performance (R, I, S, T-certified, as well as four of the advanced courses), which has allowed her to take her coaching to a whole new level.

She enjoys showing clients the tools and techniques that can help them relieve pain, get stronger faster, improve their vision and balance, and improve or learn movement skills regardless of their age. She believes that everyone is an athlete (no matter what their sports background is) and that each client's body holds more potential for great accomplishments than we realize. 



Zoe grew up in an unstable household with lots of unhealthy habits. When she moved away to start college she got to learn about and experience all the benefits of regular exercise, a healthy diet, and mental health care. After getting her degree in biochemistry and molecular biology, she moved to the Bay Area where she was able to enjoy all of the outdoor recreation the area has to offer. A true believer in moderation, she enjoys challenging herself with progressive overload, eating foods that are both pleasurable and nutritious, and enjoying a nice cold beer on the weekends.

She believes exercise and nutrition, when properly employed, are preventative and proactive healthcare. Zoe has worked with organ donors for over 4 years and as a personal trainer for 6 years and sees the effects of diet, exercise, and stress from the inside and out. She believes knowledge is power and loves when clients ask her WHY we do the things we do.

She finds immense joy in helping people step into their strength and becoming embodied with sustainable behavioral changes they can carry throughout life. She has received her certifications for personal training and nutrition coaching from NASM and wilderness first responder from NOLS.



I have a passion for movement and feeling/functioning optimally. I coach and empower people to feel and function at their best without making the same mistakes I did. Growing up a competitive athlete in an era where the mentality was "train harder, achieve more/better," it was a hard concept to shed. As an adult, I worked a full-time job in strength and conditioning for athletes and personal training, while trying to train like a full-time athlete as well. Physical, mental, and emotional stress broke me and my body down. I also fell prey to various false beliefs I had picked up early in life and the myths spread by well-intended and not so well-intended healthcare providers and the media. Living optimally and performing at one's best comes only after health. Over the course of my career, I expanded my knowledge and became my own advocate through my own research and working with other professionals to not only solve some of my underlying health conditions caused by the underlying stress and ill-healthcare but to coach and guide others to their best lives as well. I now coach with a holistic approach to health, fitness, and performance (whether performance applies to sports or everyday life)


As a life-long athlete in his late 40’s, Jonathan understands the challenges of balancing family, friends, and career, with personal health and well-being. He wants to help you experience the confidence, balance, and power that being in your body, and moving well provides.  He will be your coach and guide to tuning in to how you’re feeling and what your body needs at any given moment. 

Jonathan is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and Z-Health Neural Performance Specialist (Essentials of Elite Performance, R-Phase, I-Phase, T-Phase). He wants to help you be the best possible version of yourself, which starts with better movement, and is only possible when the brain and nervous system are functioning well. 

 He believes aging doesn't have to mean an inevitable decline into inactivity, and that everyone has an inner athlete. When you work with Jonathan, you’ll discover that you can do things you didn't think possible!